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Zooming behaviour
Zooming is only possible in the Chart and Radial tabs. To zoom in on any part of a chart:
1. Left-click a place on the left side of the chart section you wish to zoom.
2. Hold down the mouse button while you drag a rectangle across and down to the right.
3. Release the mouse button to perform the zoom. To zoom in horizontally:
4. Proceed as above, but only move the mouse directly left or right to select the area to be enlarged. Two
vertical lines will be displayed across the chart to indicate the selection.
To zoom in vertically:
1. Proceed as above, but only move the mouse directly up or down to select the area to be enlarged. Two
horizontal lines will be displayed across the chart to indicate the selection.
To zoom out from any view:
1. Left-click any place in the chart and drag a rectangle across and up to the left to display a rectangle with
a cross in it. When you release the mouse button the chart will return to its original size and location.
The PC-Software can check the commutator and slip ring recordings for the following alarm conditions. If the
button is in colour
then it will indicate that an alarm has been triggered on the selected profile, if black
and white
then no alarms are triggered:
TIR - Total Indicated Runout
The difference between the highest and lowest points on the profile.
MBTB - Maximum Bar-to-bar
The difference in height between adjacent commutator bars.
MSTS - Maximum Segment to segment
The difference in height between adjacent slip ring segments.
High Mica
Lists any Mica insulation (between commutator bars) which are not recessed below the bar
Downloading .Mas files
It is possible to download profiles taken on the previous version of the profiler that Morgan used to offer; this
can be done by selecting “File>Importing MAS File…” and
following the on-screen instructions.