Turn the light intensity down and switch to the 10x objective.
Close the field of view diaphragm, 3/4 of the way. This lever is located on the lamp housing. This will
close down the iris diaphragm in the lamp housing and become visible through the eyepiece field of
Turn the condenser focus knob up or down until the iris edges sharpen in the field of view.
Adjust the condenser centering screws so that the center of the field diaphragm image matches the
center of the field of view. This adjustment is easier to make if the field diaphragm size is reduced
slightly smaller than the eyepiece field of view.
IMPORTANT: For normal observation, the edges of
diaphragm should be just outside the field of view.
Centering the lamp
Set the Phase annular diaphragm slider in the open center position.
Condenser centered
Center Open Position
Condenser not centered
Condenser centered
Condenser Centering Screws