Motorola Confidential Proprietary
Handset Test Commands
2 - 4
Command Results
Figure 12. Results Screen
They can also use the Stylus, depending on the settings
selected by the user in the control panel.
The user shall enter values in Hex or Decimal. The fol-
lowing values shall be allowed for each entry method:
Hex: A to F and 0 to 9. (not case sensitive)
Decimal: 0 to 9
When the user presses, "Test", the values shall be
checked whether they match the values that are allowed.
If not, they shall get an Error Message as follows:
After the user presses, "Continue", they shall be taken
back to the field where the incorrect entry method was
If command processing takes more than 2 seconds a
message will display, “Running Test...”
Result Screen
The display of the output shall always be in Hexadeci-
mal Format.
Pressing the "Back" Key shall always take the user back
to the Main Entry Screen as shown in Figure 6
Figure 10. Stylus Entry
Figure 11. Invalid Entry