BT100 Installation and Operation Manual
Flatness Control
All amplifiers are factory-aligned for optimal station flatness, therefore, there is usually no need
to adjust the BDR board. However, you can make minor adjustments, if necessary to achieve
flatness across the passband.
The BDR-1G board includes flatness controls and a fixed cable equalizer for 1003 MHz. This
equalizer, plus the contribution of the hybrid gain stages, produces approximately 14 dB of tilt.
Adjust the BDR-1G board to correct peak-to-valley response variations. Adjust or replace the
equalizer if the response exhibits tilt.
Figure 3-3 illustrates the location of the BDR-1G board and the high-end flatness adjustment
Figure 3-3
Flatness controls
You can adjust the variable resistors and capacitors on the BDR-1G board to flatten the
response across the passband. Use C1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C7, R2, R3, R4, R5, L4, L5, and L6 on the
BDR-1G board (illustrated in Figure 3-4) to obtain a flat response.