Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Functional Description
[VPD] is the first of the Vital Product Data (VPD) strings, and [FAT} is
the first of the Factory Assurance Test strings. Each ASCII string starts
with a description of the information following the = sign.
The BOARD_SN=nnnnnnn string gives the board serial number. The
ENETn_MAC=nnnn nnnn nnnn strings give the MAC addresses of the
two Ethernet ports. Characters in bold type are different for different
boards, to show the different board serial number and MAC addresses,
different BIOS versions and different build dates. Other strings used in the
Motorola manufacturing process.
You can also use other tools that make it easier to develop applications that
can access DMI data. Software Development Kits (SDKs) and C libraries
can make DMI data available through higher-level function calls that can
be incorporated into an application program.