Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800 User Guide Version 2.0
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Note that the Setup Wizard guides you to set the Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800 up with a reasonable level
of security. If you have more stringent security requirements, the instructions in this user guide provide detailed
information on how to set up the relevant security fields.
Figure 3 illustrates the security measures provided by the Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800.
This is a logical
network diagram and therefore does not necessarily correspond to the network cabling. The Ethernet LAN and
the WLAN are shown as a single logical network. No hubs or switches are shown.
Logically, only the Motorola
Cellular Gateway NC800 and the computer in the DMZ are exposed to the Internet (are on the Internet side of
the firewall). Physically, the firewall is implemented on the Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800.
Motorola Cellular Gateway
DMZ computer
Wireless security:
WPA-PSK or WEP encryption
MAC access control lists
CDMA Antenna
Wireless LAN
Ethernet LAN
Note: The gateway and the DMZ
computer are visible from the Internet
and are therefore shown on the
Internet side of the firewall. However,
physically the firewall runs as an
application on the gateway.
Figure 3. Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800 security measures shown in a logical network diagram
The Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800 firewall protects the Motorola Cellular Gateway NC800 LAN from
undesired attacks and other intrusions from the Internet. It provides an advanced integrated stateful-inspection
firewall. The firewall:
Maintains state data for every TCP/IP session on the OSI network and transport layers
Monitors all incoming and outgoing packets and applies the firewall policy to each one
Provides comprehensive logging for all rejected internal and external connection requests
You can configure the firewall filters to set rules for port usage and to block specific IP domains and