To set the alarm to sound every day, repeatedly
press (or hold down)
9. To set another alarm, repeatedly (if necessary)
until the alarm number flashes, then
repeat Steps 3–8.
10. When you finish, press
to store the settings.
The time/date display reappears, and the pager
if you turned on any of the alarms.
Turning the Alarm(s) On/Off
To set one or more of the pager’s alarms to sound or
not sound at the set time(s), follow Steps 1–4 of “Set-
ting the Alarm Time(s)” on Page 36 for each alarm,
and in Step 4, press
to turn the alarm on (
) or off
). When you finish, press
to store the settings.
17-9026.fm Page 38 Friday, July 23, 1999 4:32 PM