The scratch pad permits entry of numbers from
the keypad during conversation.
If your party gives you another number to call,
simply enter this from the keypad. If you make an
error, press Ç to erase the last digit entered or
hold Ç to erase the entire entry.
Advise your party that they will hear tones as you
store the number. To call the scratch pad number at
the end of an ongoing conversation, press ´, Í.
Refer to the Scratch Pad Tones feature
(page 55) for details on silencing the tones.
Your telephone provides the standard Dual Tone
Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signals typically used to
access alternate long distance services, signal
pagers, answering machines, etc. Generally, these
services use a two-part procedure: First, a call is
placed from the memory or through the keypad to
a central telephone number, then a secondary dial
tone is heard and the additional tone digits are sent.
To tone dial from the keypad, make the initial call.
Append additional tone digits using the keypad.
The tones are automatically sent as you press the
keys. Do not press Í.
If you have selected silent scratch
pad, you must press ‰, Í after entering the
additional digits.
Tone Dialing (Two-Part Calling)
Scratch Pad Memory