Universal PCI Board
Smartio—The Smart Multiport Async Solution
The Smartio Series of multiport serial boards includes the CP-168U, CP-104UL, CP-104JU, POS-104UL,
CP-102UL, and CP-102U. These boards provide RS-232 serial ports for connecting terminals, modems, printers,
scanners, cash registers, bar code readers, keypads, numeric displays, electrical scales, data acquisition
equipment, and many other serial devices to a PC. These boards are a reliable, high-performance solution for
multiport serial communication.
Industio—The Industrial Multiport Async Solution
The Industio Series of multiport serial boards includes the CP-118U-I, CP-118U, CP-138U-I, CP-138U,
CP-114UL, CP134U, CP-134U-I, CP-132UL, and CP-132UL-I. These boards are designed for industrial use, with
serial ports that can be configured independently for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 operation. Industio boards
provide a reliable communication link over distances of up to 4000 ft and support point-to-point full-duplex or
multi-drop half-duplex. With RS-485 operation, a single port can connect to 32 devices in a multi-drop
(Automatic Data Direction Control) for RS-485
ADDC™ (Automatic Data Direction Control) makes it easier to manage 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex connections,
eliminating the need for software interference. This means that it is not necessary to write extra code for
Windows applications to control the half-duplex protocol. ADDC intelligence is built into Industio boards.
Serial-over-fiber Board
The CP-102UF is a serial-over-fiber board designed for industrial automation applications that require a long
distance, multi-point, PC-based data acquisition solution. The single-mode model (CP-102UF-S) can transmit
up to 40 km, and the multi-mode model (CP-102UF-M) can transmit up to 5 km. For many industrial
applications, an even bigger benefit is that optical fiber isolates the data from dangerous increases in ground
potential, ground loops, and electrical EMI/RFI electromagnetic radiation.
Built-in Termination Resistors for RS-422 and RS-485
Industio boards have termination resistors built-in, eliminating the headaches involved in determining the
proper impedance for the resistors. For additional information, please refer to Chapter 2.
ESD and Isolation Protection
Certain models include TVSS (Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor) technology to help prevent damage due to
lightning or high potential voltage. Optical isolation (2000V) and embedded protection (max. ESD of 16 KV,
max. EFT of 2 KV) are also available with certain models. These features help provide protection in critical or
harsh factory-type environments.
PCI Solution
UPCI boards comply with PCI Spec. 2.1 and do not require switches or jumpers. IRQ and I/O address is
automatically assigned by the PCI BIOS. This means that the board must be physically installed in the computer
first before the driver software is installed.