Universal PCI Board
Hardware Installation
The onboard DIP switches are used to configure the CP-102UF for “Ring mode” or “Normal”. When using the
CP-102UF board, your PC can be included as one node of a fiber ring formed using Moxa’s own TCF-142
serial-to-fiber converter. Since each TCF-142 has two fiber ports and one serial port, PCs that are part of the
ring will be able to communicate with serial devices connected to the ring. Note that the Tx port of the
CP-102UF connects to a neighboring converter’s Rx port to form the ring. When one node transmits a signal,
the signal travels around the ring until it returns back to the transmitting unit, which then blocks the signals.
When configuring two or more CP-102UF boards installed in the same computer, please pay attention to the
model names of the boards. The two models can be recognized by the type of connector on the board. Model
CP-102UF-M uses plastic ST connectors, whereas model CP-102UF-S uses metal ST connectors.