This menu enables or disables the modem interface. After changing the
modem menus, save the configuration as the power-up configuration and
reboot the printer. The factory default is Disable.
Connect the modem to the selected serial interface for printer
management (debug or host serial), and power on the modem before
powering on the printer. The printer will search for a modem at
power-up, and display a message on the printer front panel if a
modem is detected.
Modem NVM
This setting defines whether the modem configuration, as stored in the
modem's NVM, should be used, or if the printer should send a modem
intialization string. When enabled, the printer will only send an ATZ0
command to the modem on power-up. This command resets the modem
to configuration 0. When disabled, the printer sends a generic modem
initialization string on power-up. The factory default is Enable.
This generic initialization string does not work for all modem types.
If the initilization string does not work, the modem must be configured
manually, the setting must be stored in configuration 0, and the
printer 'Modem NVM' menu must be set to enable.
Modem Status
(factory default). Displays the modem status commands on
the printer control panel.
. Does not display the modem status commands on the
printer control panel.
Dial Method
(factory default). Sets the modem to use the tone dialing
. Sets the modem to use the pulse dialing method.
PNE Port Number
. This menu selects the port number the printer
expects the PNE to connect through. The factory default is 3001 and the
range is from 1023 to 65535.
PNE Port Timeout
. If the PNE has not communicated to the printer within
a timeout period, the PNE session closes. The factory default is 100
seconds. The range is from 1 to 255 seconds.
Status Port Number
. This is the Ethernet Port number the emulations
can use to communicate status to the host computer.
Mgmt Port Number
. This is the Ethernet Port number the PXML or UCP
will use to communicate to the printer.