Downloading Software
Loading Flash Memory
Flash memory is contained in a SIMM (single in-line memory module) located
on the controller PCBA. Printer control languages (the “emulations”) and
printer operating system software are loaded into flash memory at the factory,
but there are occasions when you may have to load this software:
You have replaced the controller PCBA
You have replaced flash memory
The customer needs to upgrade printer software
Emulation and operating system software are included as files on a CD that
comes with the printer. You will copy the appropriate file from the CD to a
computer’s hard disk, then download the file from the computer into printer
When downloading emulation and operating system software to the
printer, all other optional fonts (except those on the EMC), customer-
supplied logos, setup files, feature files, and TIFF files will be erased.
You will then need to reload those files. Before starting a download
procedure, be sure that you have all the necessary files on hand.
You can load software through the serial, parallel, USB, or ethernet port of the
printer, and you can do it four ways:
You can load software through any printer port except USB by using the
Firmware Download Utility included on the CD that comes with the printer.
(See page 156.)
You can use a command prompt session to load software through the
parallel port. (See page 157.)
If the printer has the ethernet installed, you can load software through the
ethernet port. (See page 158.)
You can use a command prompt session to load software through the
USB port (See page 162.)