- Pop
- Classic
- Soft
- Jazz
Select and confirm your choice by pushing menu button. Tempo Rate
The music can be played faster or slower (only with MP3 files)
Change the rate by Pressing “Next/Vol+” or “Prev/Vol-” button .
Confirm your choice by pushing menu button. Replay times
Here you are able to choose how many times (1-10) the A-B section
will be repeated. Replay gap
Choose the time( 1-10 sec) between each A-B section. Replay mode (available during playback)
A-B replay
When replay mode is selected, the A-B icon is visible
Select the start point A (flashing) by pressing “Next/vol+” button.
Select the end point B(flashing) by press “Next/vol+” button .
The A-B section will be repeated continuously
Press “Menu” button to return to normal playback