Below shows the “Bass Management” features. The user can enable the “Bass Man-
agement” features by clckng on the “On/Off” button at the top of the “Bass Manage-
ment” controls. The “Bass Management” feature allows the user to control the low fre-
quency lmts for the speakers. When the low frequency lmt s set for a speaker, any
audo sgnal below the lmt wll be automatcally channeled to the subwoofer. Each
speaker (except for the subwoofer) can be configured to have a dfferent low frequency
lmt. For example, f the user wants to set the low frequency lmt for front-left speaker
to 310Hz, then the user can clck on the pcture of the front-left speaker and change the
“Cutoff Frequency” to 310Hz. Addtonally, the user can enhance the bass by checkng
the “Bass Boost” checkbox.
Bass Management
Bass Management On/Off
Cutoff Freq
Bass Boost
Subwoofer Configuraton
When set to User Customerzable,
the user can clck on the speakers to
enable/dsable speaker bass cutoff.