BIOS Setup
DRAM Timing
The value in this field depends on performance parameters of the
installed memory chips (DRAM). Do not change the value from the
factory setting unless you install new memory that has a different
performance rating than the original DRAMs.
Read to Precharge (Trtp)
Time interval between a read and a precharge command.
Write to Read CM D (Twtr)
Minimum time interval between the end of write data burst and the start
of a column-read command. It allows I/O gating to overdrive sense
amplifiers before read command starts.
Write Recovery Time (Twr)
Minimum time interval between end of write data burst and the start of
a precharge command. Allows sense amplifiers to restore data to cells.
DRAM Command Rate
This setting controls the DRAM command rate. Select [1T Command]
allows DRAM singlal controller to run at 1T (T=clock cycles) rate. Se-
lect [2T Command] makes DRAM siganl controller run at 2T rate. [1T] is
faster than [2T].
AGP & P2P Bridge Control
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