MS-7060 Micro ATX Mainboard
Resume By Alarm
The field is used to enable or disable the function of Resume By Alarm. Setting
options: [Disabled], [Enabled].
Month Alarm
When Resume By Alarm is set to Enabled, the field specifies the month for
Resume By Alarm
. Setting options: [NA], [1-12].
Date of Month Alarm
When Resume By Alarm is set to Enabled, the field specifies the date for
By Alarm
. Setting options: [0]
Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm
When Resume By Alarm is set to Enabled, the field specifies the time for
By Alarm
. Format is <hour><minute><second>.
** Reload Global Timer Events **
Primary/Secondary IDE, FDD/COM/LPT Ports, PCI PIRQ [A-D]#
The global timer is the hardware timer that counts down to the power saving modes. If
the monitoring of the listed hardware peripherals or components is enabled, the activity
of the specified peripherals or components will awaken the system or reload the
original count of global timer when they are accessed. Setting options: [Disabled],