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•  Yellow≥160°C
•  Light Orange 180°C to 350°C
•  Deep Orange 350°C to 450°C
•  Red≤550°C
•  Lower the temperature during breaks, this saves energy and extends the durability of the soldering tip.
•   Wait about 10 minutes until the soldering tip reaches the adjusted temperature, test the temperature by touching the 


soldering tip with solder, if the solder melts away easily you can start soldering.

•  Tin the hot soldering tip with solder; wipe off excessive solder on the wet cleaning sponge.
•  Heat up the soldering location with the soldering tip and add solder.
•  Let the soldering point cool down.
•  Clean the soldering tip on the wet sponge after each soldering 
•  After finishing the soldering, put back the soldering iron in the rack and turn off the soldering Station at the main switch.
•  Do not file off the soldering tip, or it will be damaged.
•  Never touch the hot soldering tip. 
•  Let the soldering iron cool down after use.
•  The soldering iron should not be dunked into water
•  During breaks, the soldering iron has to be placed in the holding rack.


This tool must be placed on its stand when not in use.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in 

order to avoid hazard. 

Tip replacement

Note: Tip replacement or cleaning should be done only when the iron is at room temperature or below. The tip can be 

changed or replaced simply by unscrewing the knurled nut barrel assembly. The station must be switched off and allowed to 

cool before and during this operation, as damage may occur if the system is left on without the tip inserted, after removing 

tip, remove any oxide dust that may have formed in the tip retaining area of the barrel. Be careful to avoid getting dust in your 

eyes. Replace the tip and screw the retaining knurled nut barrel assembly using only hand pressure to tighten. Pliers should 

only be used to tighten the nut if loosening occurs when the iron is hot to avoid burning your fingers. Do not over tighten as 

this would damage the element. 

General cleaning

The outer case of the iron or station may be cleaned with a damp cloth using small amounts of liquid detergent Never sub-

merse the unit in liquid or allow any liquid to enter the case of the station. Never use solvent to clean the case. 


1.  The appliance is not a toy, and must be kept out of children’s hands.
2.   Before cleaning the appliance or changing the filter, always remove the power lead plug from the socket. Unscrewing the 

housing is not permitted

3.   This appliance is not intended for use by persons(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, 

or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the 


appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

4.  Return to professional for cord replacement or service.

Important Notice :

 This data sheet and its contents (the “Information”) belong to the members of the AVNET group of companies (the “Group”) or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for 

the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change 

without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, 

any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make 

any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or 

where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its 

negligence. Multicomp Pro is the registered trademark of Premier Farnell Limited 2019.
