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MultiQ DSMS 3.6 User Guide, Media players operated in standalone mode, Version 2, 18/08/2011
Splitting the screen into several areas
So far we have only been dealing with one area on the screen, the “Primary” area.
Figure 93. If looking closer at the media player (unit) menu we see that there is only one visual area and
that is the “Primary” area. There is also an “Audio” area that can be used for in-store audio. This is a
separate, invisible “area” that can play audio files independently from the Primary area.
In store audio and using the “Audio” area
Before splitting the visual parts of the screen we will introduce in store audio.
If you do not use the audio for other purposes you can let the media player produce an in store
audio channel.
The first step is to upload a number of songs into the system.