Appendix C – The WebAdmin Menu System
Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF650VPN User Guide
Appendix C - The WebAdmin Menu System
This appendix provides an overview of the WebAdmin menu system and the RouteFinder System CD.
The changes made in each of the RouteFinder software releases are also tracked at the end of this
System: Manages the basic RouteFinder functions and configuration.
Settings: Allows configuration of notification, secure shell (SSH), WebAdmin, localization.
Licensing: Lets you enter your license key or view the active license settings.
Up2Date Service: Provides Up2Date service configuration.
Backup: Lets you import and export the RouteFinder configuration.
User Authentication: Allows the definition of external authentication servers.
WebAdmin Site Certificate: Lets you generate a WebAdmin site certificate matching your
enterprise's data and RouteFinder‘s hostname.
Shut Down: This ends all the services correctly. The message Do you really want to shut down?
is displayed. Click the OK button to confirm.
Restart: the RouteFinder is shut down completely and restarted. The message Do you really want
to shut down? is displayed.
Definitions: Definition of network, services and users.
Networks: Definition of networks for the RouteFinder configuration.
Network Groups: Definition of network groups for easier handling.
Services: Definition of network services for the firewall configuration.
Service Groups: Definition of service groups for easier handling.
Users: Definition of local RouteFinder users.
Network: Definition of the network configuration.
Interfaces: Definition of the network cards, default gateway and hostname.
Routing: Definition of routing.
DNAT: Destination Network Address Translation translates the destination addresses of IP packets.
SNAT: Source Network Address Translation rewrites the source addresses of IP packets.
Masquerading: Definition of dynamic masquerading for hiding internal IP addresses and network
Portscan Detection: Settings for the Portscan detection (PSD).
Tools: Network tools (ping, traceroute, tcp connect).
Accounting: Definition of accounting options.
Packet filter: Set Rules definitions for filtering network traffic with stateful inspection.
Rules: The packet filter manages the data traffic with respect to the rule set. Be conscientious with
changes since they are responsible for the security of your RouteFinder.
ICMP: Definition of ICMP policy for the RouteFinder and the secured networks.
Filter LiveLog: Display filter rules and violations in LiveLog.
Proxies: Definition of proxy services.
HTTP: Definition of the HTTP proxy (web), web ad blocker and web filter.
SMTP: Definition of then SMTP proxy for e-mail and for virus scanning.
DNS: Definition of the DNS proxy (nameserver).
SOCKS: Definition of the SOCKS proxy (generic).