Chapter 3 – RouteFinder Software Operation
Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF650VPN User Guide
Open WebAdmin and open the User Authentication menu in the System directory.
At Radius Server IP enter the IP address of the Radius server.
At Radius Server Secret enter the password from step 5.
Save the entry by clicking the Save button.
10. Open the menu of the corresponding proxy service in the Proxies register.
11. If User Authentication is still disabled (red light), activate it by clicking the Enable button. At
Authentication types choose Radius from this select menu.
12. Confirm your entries by clicking the Add button.
The Radius user authentication is now active. The IAS server subsequently records every access to the
proxy server in the Microsoft Windows NT/2000 Event Log.
To prevent the event log from overflowing, the RouteFinder stores the information sent by the Radius
server for five minutes. This also means, however, that any changes in the user database might only be
detectable after five minutes.