Chapter 3 – RouteFinder Software Operation
Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF650VPN User Guide
Proxy ARP on This Interface
If you select the Proxy ARP on this Interface checkbox for a network card, the RouteFinder will
automatically announce itself as responsible for all packets to destinations for which it has an Interface
Route. You can use this function to "half-bridge" a network into another LAN segment. NOTE: All packet
filtering rules still apply when Proxy ARP is enabled. This is not a full bridging function !
If the Proxy ARP on this Interface function is activated, the RouteFinder will relay the ARP protocol on
this network card for all the networks known to it. This means that the RouteFinder will accept and
forward packets on the Proxy ARP interface for all other directly-connected networks.
This function is necessary in some special cases, such as when the correct routes for a network cannot
be set and the network has to be passed on through the firewall. This can be the case if you have no
access to the router of your Internet provider.
Possible Error: The
menu doesn’t contain entry fields for all the network cards.
Possible cause of error: The missing network card was added after the installation of the RouteFinder,
or it wasn’t recognised during installation.
Solution: Reinstall the RouteFinder software. You can use the backup feature (described earlier in this
chapter) to easily transfer your configuration between the installations.