RPR 750IS Series
9261-7912 Issue 8
Speech Calls
When receiving any call that has a speech message attached,
your pager will activate the alert sequence. This sequence will
include the flashing LED together with the alert tone at normal
volume, for a period of 4 seconds and additionally the display
of any alphanumeric message and/or call time/number data.
After 4 seconds, the speech channel will automatically open
and the spoken message will be heard.
The speech channel will close again automatically at the end
of a pre-determined time, or upon the receipt of a speech
termination signal, depending upon your system.
If during the 4 second alert period the OCR button is pressed,
it will terminate the call and a further press will terminate the
speech. If the OCR button is pressed again within the speech
time-out period, the speech channel will be re-opened.
All speech calls are automatically sent to the speech storage
memory for later retrieval (see section 8).
After the alert period, pressing the OCR button will also cancel
the call (remove it's new status), but a second press will re-
open the speech channel.
If calls remain un-cancelled, your pager will enter the
extended alert mode, if this option has been selected.
Unless cancelled, received calls are automatically entered into
your pager's memory. Up to 5 free-format messages of 120
characters in length and up to 4 pre-programmed messages of
14 characters in length, can be stored. When the memory is
full, each new message received will erase the oldest one.
Message retrieval is initiated from the quiescent state, by
twice pressing the OCR button. If the pager is in
mode, then pressing the OCR button once will enter the