Operating instruction: H002 / 0938 / 0940
Edition: 01/2016
Subject to alterations.
Product description
Components and proper usage
Heating presses are electrical heating devices for use in fabricating (splicing) belting material that
can withstand maximum temperatures of 200°C. Heating presses are used to splice belting material
using pressure and temperature. Depending on the requirement we differentiate between different
designs and type.
The heating press consists of the following components and functional groups:
Functional group
Top part
Pressure beam
Pressure hose
Heating plate with edge cooling bar
Plug-in contact / cable
Bottom part
Pressure beam
Heating plate with edge cooling bar
Plug-in contact / cable
Eye bolts with nuts
Pneumatical hold-down bars (bot-
tom hold-down bar without pres-
sure hose / top hold-down bar with
pressure hose)
How it works
In the closed heating press pressure and temperature are generated between the top and bottom
part and the electrically heated heating plates when compressed air is supplied; this caused the
melting of the inserted belting material as well as the splicing after a prescribed period (hold-down-
time). Once cooled down, the finished splice has got the physical features required.
For further information on how the heating press functions, see chapter "5 Handling".