Storage and reading of measurement data
The database of the instrument is able to save 100 DMM measurement data.
1. Press “S” button for 2 seconds to enter into the database of the instrument.
2. If user needs to save current measurement value into database, use shall first press “S” button to hold this data.
Then, press “S” button for 2 seconds to enter into the database.
3. In the database, LCD will list the 10 storage position of the first page and indicate where there is data on such
4. If there is data on a certain position, the value and unit of the data will be also listed.
The operation option menu of database is as follows:
Select record position
Select a neighboring page
Delete record
Save held data
a. Press F1 button (▼) and the selection marks points to the next storage position. Press F1 button for 0.5 seconds
for invert selection of the previous storage position.
b. Press F2 button (
) and the selection marks points to the next page. Press F2 button for 0.5 seconds for invert
selection of the previous page.
c. Press F3 button (ERASE) to delete current record.
d. Press F4 button (SAVE) to save the held data to the currently selected storage position.