© MuxLab Inc.
Audio 8x8 Matrix Switch Installation Guide
Page 43
4. GET Commands
Array of 4 integers.
Contains 4 items for the 4 displays. Each number is the source connected to the associated display. 0 means a display
is disconnected. In the example below, Display 1 is disconnected, Display 2 is connected to Source 3, etc.
Example: [0,3,2,4]
Array of 4 integers.
Provide the connections state of the corresponding preset.
Contains 4 items for the 4 displays. Each number is the source connected to the associated display. 0 means a display
is disconnected. In the example below, Display 1 is disconnected; Display 2 is connected to Source 3, etc.
Example: [0,3,2,4]
Array of a single string.
Contains the name of the box.
Example: [“Classroom B Matrix”]
Array of 4 strings.
Contains the names of all 4 input ports.
Example: [“Cable Box”, “Satellite Receiver”, “Demo Reel”, …]
Array of 4 strings.
Contains the names of all 4 output ports.
Example: [“Conference Room”, “Cafeteria”, …]
Array of 8 strings.
Contains the names of all 8 presets
Example: [“Preset 1”, “Preset 2”, “week end”, …]
Array of a single integer.
Indicate if dhcp is ON ([1]) or OFF ([0])
Example: [1]
Array of a single integer.
Contains an integer representing the current user level, from 0 to 2.
Example: [2]
Array of a single integer.
Represents a new session ID
Example: [3847534]
Destroys current session.
Array of a single integer.
Represents the matrix status. 0 => Ok; 1 => fault; 2 => critical
Example: [1]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the current serial port settings: baud rate, data bits(7 or 8), parity (0=>Even; 1=>Odd; 4=>None) ,stop bits
(0=>1 stop bit; 2=>2 stop bits)
Example: [9600,8,4,0]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the saved IP address (Not the current IP address being used)
Example: [10,0,101,96]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the saved mask address (Not the current mask address being used)
Example: [255,255,0,0]
Array of 4 integers.
Contains the saved gateway address (Not the current one being used)
Example: [10,0,1,1]
Array of 2 strings.
Contains master firmware version
Example: [“1.0.0”, “0”]