M Y O S U I T – U S E R M A N U A L
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Indications for use
Users with unilateral or bilateral lower limb paresis, or flaccid paralysis, or muscle weakness due to neurological
and neuromuscular disorders e.g. multiple sclerosis, muscle dystrophy, stroke; trauma i.e. incomplete spinal cord
injury; or aging e.g. sarcopenia can benefit from the device by compensating for their disability during training.
Be able to stand up from a chair without deviating during the movement from the sagittal body plane by
more than 45 degrees compared to the sagittal body plane while sitting on a chair.
Be able to walk 10 m without the assistance of another person, but can be assisted by traditional assistive
devices except knee orthoses (e.g. cane/crunch, ankle foot orthosis)
Physical prerequisites such as muscle status, mobility grade and axis deviations that guarantee proper
control of the orthoses are crucial.
The patient must fulfil the physical and mental requirements for the perception of audible signals.
Height is between 150cm and 195cm (59.06inch to 76.77inch).
Weight is between 45kg and 110kg (100lbs to 275lbs).
Functional reach test < 15.24cm/6inch
Flexion contracture in the knee and hip joint in excess of 10°
Varus malposition in excess of 10° or valgus malposition in excess of 10°
Body weight over 110 kg/275 lbs
Body weight less than 45 kg/100 lbs
Body height less than 150 cm/59.06 inch
Body height over 195 cm/76.77 inch