Initial Energization
Controls Energization
Energizing the Control Panel will also energize the Meter and Protective Relay, enabling
addition commissioning verifications.
Addition Commissioning Verifications:
1. Proper Battery UPS Energization
2. Networking & SCADA Equipment Energization
3. Metering & Protection Relay Energization
Commissioning Steps:
1. Verify both automotive-style DC fuses are installed on the battery
2. Use a Multimeter (set to DC) to verify the presence of proper voltages at the
following locations on the UPS:
~24V DC (±0.1V, 23.9 - 24.1V) voltage on the top (input) terminals of the UPS
~24V DC (-0.1V/+6.0V , 23.9 - 30.0V) voltage on the top (battery) terminals of
the UPS
3. CLOSE the 10A Fuse Holder [DC Bus 300 / 302b]
Everything in box is 120VAC or 24VDC
Utilize this wire key: