Nagra –
Operating your CLASSIC DAC
Nagra Modulometer
Nagra Modulometer is inherited from the second
recorder developed by Nagra back in 1952, the
Nagra II. The Modulometer is a typical Nagra
precision instrument that displays the necessary
information to perform the best possible
In the case of the CLASSIC DAC, the
Modulometer displays the digital input level. The
0 dB corresponds to full scale signal, that means
the maximum digital level.
Right channel - red needle
Left channel - black needle
LED and Modulometer intensity adjustment
This two-way toggle switch allows you to adjust the LED and
Modulometer backlight intensity. Pushing the toggle UP will increase
the intensity, pushing it down will lower the intensity all the way to
complete extinction. In total there are 7 different levels.
Removing the battery protection
Two AAA dry cells are already installed in your remote at
the factory.
Simply tear the plastic strip