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individually; however, the easiest way is simply to pick the dropdown for the LED being used and it will be auto-
Figure 16 – Master settings in the config editor. Use the top dropdown to auto-set the 4 drive parameters below. Also set if the main switch
is momentary or latching, and if the boot sound is being used.
The rest of the settings are described as follows:
sets which rotation direction advances to the next font and which moves to the previous, along
with setting which direction is up or down. Orientation is assuming that the SD card holder is facing towards the
pommel; if the board is reversed then consider the reverse mapping for this setting.
is used to enable or disable delayed ignition secondary blades.
can be enabled to fix certain NeoPixel LEDs where the red and green colors are swapped.
defines if the main button is either latching or momentary. If set to latching, do not enable
, as that is only supported for two momentary switches.
is used to swap which buttons are main and aux. This is especially useful if the two buttons are
inside a control box, as it allows the top/bottom button to be whichever the user prefers. Think of this as look
inversion for console shooter games.