Naim’s UnitiSystem represents a new approach to enjoying
high fi delity music around the home. Simpler than traditional multi-room
and focused purely on convenient access to music, UnitiSystem recasts the
hi-fi rulebook and can, literally, re-wire your music. Simplicity and convenience
aren’t provided at the cost of true hi-fi performance, however; a Naim badge ensures
that UnitiSystem delivers world-beating sound quality. UnitiSystem brings
genuine Naim, audiophile, high-resolution sound quality to every room of the house.
UnitiSystem is “grown-up” hi-fi made simple.
UnitiSystem comprises the NaimUniti and UnitiQute multi-source,
all-in-one players, the UnitiServe CD ripping UPnP™ music server, and an iPhone
or iPod Touch app. With a UnitiServe as the hub of the system, and NaimUniti
or UnitiQute as satellite players, a simple wired or wireless network and a pair of speakers
for each room can light up an immensely capable and fabulous sounding multi-room music
system. System control can be via touch screens, conventional handsets, a PC or Mac,
as well as an iPhone or iPod Touch app.