4. Handling Procedure
Traveling backward (toward the fork)
Lowering the speed
Changing the speed
Pressing the speed change switch at the back of the handle changes the
traveling speed to the low speed mode. Releasing the switch resets the
low speed mode.
Turn the handle to the traveling position.
If the handle position is low or high, the brake is activated so that the
forklift does not run.
If the traveling knob attached to the steering handle is slowly turned
toward the fork, the forklift travels backward.
Turning the traveling knob widely increases the traveling speed.
Once the traveling knob is released, it will return to the neutral position.
The traveling knob is attached to both sides of the steering handle.
Reducing the traveling knob turn angle lowers the traveling speed.
Also, if the handle is steeply turned during travel, the traveling speed
automatically lowers.
Braking position
Braking position