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5500 - Installation & Operation Manual
6.2 Oxidizing Biocide Application and Slug Feeds (con’t)
There are two options available to increase the amount of oxidizing biocide applied under bio-
reporter control:
Slug Oxidizing Biocide:
Oxidizing Biocide Slugs are periodically overlaid on top of stan-
dard 3D TRASAR Bio-Control. The amount of biocide applied under standard 3D TRASAR
Bio-Control cannot be externally adjusted. Oxidant slugs with user set durations and ORP
setpoints can be used to increase the amount of oxidizing biocide applied to the system.
Bio Shock Mode:
This is an all shock method of applying oxidizing biocide. The bio-
reporter monitors microbiological activity and when it reaches a preset value oxidizing
biocide is slugged into the system. The duration of the slug can be set from 10 minutes to
35 hours and the ORP setpoint for the slug is also selectable by the user. This mode allows
the user to actively control the dosage of the oxidizing biocide.
During the slug feed period under 3D TRASAR Bio-Control or 3D TRASAR Bio-Shock mode, bio-
reporter feed is suspended and oxidizing biocide is applied based on timer control or system ORP
measurement. A functional ORP probe is required to resume bio-reporter feed (with both timer and
ORP based slugs). For timer based slugs, the oxidant relay is on continuously for the preset time.
For ORP based slugs, the oxidant is dosed to the specified ORP level and then maintained at that
ORP level for the preset time. Bio-reporter feed restarts after the system water has returned to
pre-slug ORP values.
6.2.1 3D TRASAR Bio-Control and Overlaid Ox Slugs
Slug feeds can be set to occur on regular schedule or they can be individually initiated.
Scheduled Slug Feeds:
Use the 3D TRASAR Configurator slug feed screen to define the
schedule for feed. We do not recommend more than one slug feed per week. If more
frequent slugs are desired, use the 3D TRASAR Bio-Shock mode.
Manual Slug Feeds:
There are two methods of manually initiating slug feeds to the
1. Controller Configurator:
Initiate slug from the OxBio Slug Feed screen after
connecting to the controller either directly or via a phone line.
2. Controller Keypad:
To initiate a manual slug feed from the controller keypad
press <Actions> and then <Slug Feed Biocide>. Choose:
<Hand Feed Ox>
If biocide is applied with pumps or means not controlled by
the controller
<Relay Feed Oxidizing Biocide>
In the relay feed option, the controller
applies the oxidizing biocide for the slug.