heatless desiccant air dryer
7. trouble shooting
problem caused
Poor dew-point
Insufficient inlet pressure
4 barg (58psig) minimum inlet pressure required to operate, if
not, check and restore system pressure
Electrical fault
Ensure the power is on and the dryer front panel is illuminated;
check the dryer is cycling correctly
Moist or contaminated
Eliminate the cause of contamination, replace desiccant
cartridges (do not re-use)
Excessive inlet air temprature
Check against the technician specification
Insufficient purge air
Purge incorrectly adjusted, consult the service personnel to
adjust the settings (factory pre-set). Consult Service Technician
to adjust as per site condition.
Exhaust silencer blocked
Replace exhaust silencer/muffler element(s).
Failure of dryer
to cycle
controller not
functioning correctly
Ensure the controller is powered up, check the on screen column
status to ensure it is powering the solenoid valves during
insufficient inlet pressure
4barg (58psig) minium inlet pressure required to operate, if not,
check and restore system pressure
controller not illuminated
Check power supply to the dryer, check fuse and replace.
failure to de-pressurize
when cycling
Control valve not functioning correctly; if there is power to the
coil, replace valve. Consult controller display
outlet flow stops
Check inlet air supply
failure to initialize dryer
Switch off and restart dryer. Ensure dryer is pressurized before
powering up to allow the dryer to initialize before operation.
erratic air flow from exhaust
Faulty or damaged valves, carry out service