principals of
ADAM-MC is based on staining mammalian cell DNA with a
fluorescent dye, Propidium Iodide (PI). PI does not enter cells
with intact cell membranes or active metabolism. In contrast,
cells with damaged membranes or with inactive metabolism are
unable to prevent PI entering the cell. As a result, the nuclei of
non-viable cells will only be stained. The ADAM-MC provides
two kinds of staining solutions. AccuStain Solution T for the
total cell counting is composed of the fluorescent dye (PI)
and lysis solution. AccuStain solution N for the non-viable cell
counting is composed of the fluorescent dye and PBS.
In order to measure the total concentration of cells, the plasma
membranes of all the cells must be disrupted to stain all
the Nuclei with PI. The process of disrupting and staining is
achieved by treatment with AccuStain Solution T.
In the second solution, live cells remain intact and are not
Only the non-viable cells are stained and detected. After
treatment, the prepared cells will be loaded into the chip. The
viability will be automatically calculated in the ADAM-MC
software after each measurement of the total cells and the non-
viable cells.
• A: Total cell
• B: Non-viable cell