Here you can arrange the patterns of the bank you have selected in the file section
before with a simple 3-track editor. The song has 3 tracks for the 3 instruments S, R,
N from top to bottom and is displayed in 4 rows.
To adjust the pattern number of a step, press A + UP / DOWN.
To load and hear that pattern press B + UP.
To use the same pattern in the next / last step, press A + RIGHT / LEFT .
B + RIGHT plays the song from cursor position, playback is shown by an icon in
the upper left corner.
The whole song structure includes four screens, played after each other.
The current screen's number is displayed in the upper left corner. To switch to the
next screen, press START. Changing screens does not change banks! It is not
possible to change bank within the song editor, the only way to do that is to move
the cursor to an other bank in the file menu.