2.6 Applying the Arm Cuff
CAUTION: Read all the information in the instruction manual and
any other documents in the box before operating the unit.
1. Open the top cover of the NantLife Blood Pressure Monitor
2. Gently, take the cuff out of the compartment
3. Make sure the air plug is securely inserted into the air jack
4. Remove clothing from your upper (preferably left) arm
5. Apply the cuff to your arm so the arrow is centered on the inside
of your arm and aligned with your middle finger. The air tube runs
down the inside of your arm. The bottom edge of the cuff is ap-
proximately ½” above your elbow joint (2cm)
6. Wrap the cuff firmly in place using the closure strip
7. Keep your arm very still during the measurement
Notes: Be careful not to rest your arm on the air tube. This will
restrict the flow of air going to the cuff.