6 Cautions
Excessive user movement may cause inaccurate readings
All NantLife devices are designed to be compliant with rules
and regulations in locations they are sold and are labeled as
Any changes or modifications to NantLife equipment, not
expressly approved by NantLife void the user’s authority to
operate the device.
Autoclaving, ethylene oxide sterilizing, or immersing the blood
pressure meter in liquid may cause inaccurate measurements.
1.4 Before Taking a Measurement
General information about weight and BMI measurements:
Your healthcare providers want to get an accurate picture of your
blood pressure and chart what happens over time. Starting at age
20, the American Heart Association recommends a regular blood
pressure screening.
Your doctor will evaluate the data you have stored, once you share
it with her/him, and will immediately have a better overview of the
course of your blood pressure measurements. You will be control-
ling and supporting the monitoring of your doctor’s treatment.
To ensure a reliable reading follow these recommendations:
Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, exercising, and bath-
ing for more than 30 minutes before taking your measure-
ment. Rest for 15 minutes before taking the measurement.
Do not take measurement during stressful times.
Remove tight-fitting clothing from the arm.
Remain still and do not talk during measurement.
Try to measure your blood pressure at about the same time
every day for consistency.
Wait 3 minutes between measurements to allow the arteries
to return to normal condition.