1.3.2 Cautions
Autoclaving, ethylene oxide sterilizing, or immersing the ear thermometer in
liquid may cause inaccurate measurements.
The accuracy cannot be ensured for a person who has deformity in the ear.
The thermometer probe cannot be inserted properly into the ear canal.
NantLife suggests the use of its Contactless Forehead Thermometer in that
Blood or drainage in the ear may affect accuracy.
Do not use an ear if ear drops or medication have been placed.
For users with ear plug and/or earing aid, remove the device and wait 15
minutes before taking the measurement.
Excessive user movement may cause inaccurate readings.
All NantLife devices are designed to be compliant with rules and regulations
in locations they are sold and are labeled as required.
Any changes or modifications to NantLife equipment, not expressly approved
by NantLife void the user’s authority to operate the device.