The notch in log #5 should be pressed down onto the
skewering pin located at the end of the grate as shown to
prevent it from rocking.
Position the notch located in log #6 against the grate post.
Place the bottom of log #7 against the right outermost
grate post and the top into the pocket provided on the
center log (#6). bend up the tab in the log support to
cradle log #7. Tear the glowing embers into pieces and
place onto the front of the burner. Care should be taken to
shred the embers into thin, small irregular pieces as only
the exposed edges of the fibre hairs will glow when
exposed to direct flame; however care should be taken to
not block the burner ports. blocked ports can cause an
incorrect flame pattern, carbon deposits and delayed
Replacement loose material must be purchased from the original room heater manufacturer. Application of
excess loose material may adversely affect the performance of the heater.
Log colours may vary. During the initial use of the heater, the colours will become more uniform as colour pig-
ments burn in during the heat activated curing process.
POsITIONINg ThE lOgs ImPrOPErly wIll CausE flamE ImPINgEmENT aNd CarbONINg.
Remove the backing of the logo supplied and centre over the
logo installation holes, as indicated.
fIgurE 3.2b
fIgurE 3.2c
fIgurE 3.2d
fIgurE 3.3
W415-0204 / F / 10.23.08