P D001
Support stirrup tubes high pressure and crankcase
P D020
Rilsan tube escape oil 12 mm
P D002
Support stirrup tubes cooling lateral external
P D021
P D003
Support stirrup tubes cooling lateral internal
P D022
Visual level plug oil
P D004
Central screw stirrup support lateral tubes
P D023
Magneto plug
P D005
Lateral screw stirrup support lateral tubes
P D024
Exhaust tap oil
P D006
Nut for stirrup support lateral tubes
P D025
Tube suction oil's gear pump
P D007
Fixing nut cooling tubes
P D026
Fixing screw oil pump
P D008
Fixing sheet cooling tubes high pressure
P D027
Oil's gear pump
P D009
2 throats stirrup support cooling tubes high pressure
P D028
O-ring pump crankcase
P E009
"L" 1/4 "connection tube diam. 6 mm
P D029
Copper washer 1/4"
P D010
3 throats stirrup support cooling tubes high pressure
P D030
O-ring oil filter chamber
P D011
Fixing screw cooling tubes high pressure
P D031
Filter holder chamber
P D012
Stirrup nut and crankcase
P D032
Oil filter
P D013
Stirrup washer and crankcase
P D033
O-ring cover chamber oil filter
P D014
Stirrup screw and crankcase
P D034
Cloosing flange oil filter chamber
P D015
Extension oil escape
P D035
Screw flange oil filter chamber
P D016
Washer gasket oil escape
P D036
No return oil valve
P D017
Labyrinthic extension oil escape
P D037
Up-right connection 1/4" tube 6 mm for oil pump
P D018
Load plug oil
P D038
Drive-tube oil gear pump
P D019
Fast positive clutch 1/4" rilsan tube 12 mm
P D039
Crankcase flug 1/4"
Pacific 210 SPARE PARTS