INBOARD means toward the center ,
OUTBOARD means outward from center
Sections marked with a • may be accomplished at the same time if two or more people are working on assembly, or if you
wish to work on one section while glue dries on another. In fact these steps were performed separately in building the
actual spacecraft. For example, the Propulsion Module was being built at Lockheed-Martin in Denver while the
Spacecraft Bus was being built at JPL in Pasadena, and the HGA was being built in Italy.
What to cut out? Each part is drawn against a shaded background. This shading appears grey when printed on a black &
white printer. Each part should be completely cut away from its shaded background. Some parts have areas within them
of shaded grey. These areas should be cut out of the part. Spacecraft details are printed on most of the parts. Don’t
confuse these with background shading. If there's any question, look at it on a color computer monitor: all the
background shading appears blue: if it isn't blue, don't cut it away.
When you finish cutting out a part, flatten it.
If an instruction doesn't say which way to fold something, fold in either direction.
When instructed to fold a part, consider scoring it first. To do this, line up a metal ruler or straight edge along the line to
be folded, and very lightly scratch it with an art knife, only breaking the surface of the card stock. You have to be very
careful not to cut through if you do this. While this is more time consuming, it will result in much neater folds, and may
help the parts fit together properly.
Cut out the SPACECRAFT BUS from Parts Sheet 1. Be sure to cut out the shaded areas above BAY 1, BAY 7, and
BAY 4.
Put a crease into each of the vertical black lines where the twelve sections are joined, folding the BUS into a ring with
the printing on the outside.
Smear glue on the square marked GLUE. Overlap the other end onto the glue to complete the ring. Make sure it's
straight, and squeeze the pieces together.
Fold down the tabs marked IRU, towards the center of the ring. IRU stands for Inertial Reference Unit, which will be
installed here later. Do the same to each of the six remaining similar tabs along the top of the BUS. Leave the four larger
tabs standing.
Cut out the BUS TOP from Parts Sheet 1. Smear glue on the area marked GLUE, and position it up inside the BUS so
that the eight folded tabs will contact the glue. Press the tabs down so they will glue securely.
Cassini Spacecraft 1/37 Scale Model
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