Chapter 8:
Main Toolbar Features
VSP User Manual
Version 1.7.92
Geometry Tools (Geom) Menu
Figure 36: Modify option under the Geometry menu.
When Modify is chosen under “Geom,” the program switches the selected
window from the main screen to the Geometric browser. This is done so that the user can
then choose which part(s) he or she wishes to modify.
Component Geometry (CompGeom)
Figure 37: Component Geometry option under the Geometry menu.
The Component Geometry is a tool that calculates the areas and volumes of all the
parts in the model. It also creates a mesh of the model. This command writes a file to the
directory of the vsp.exe file. It is named comp_geom.txt.
There are four columns of data in the file (Theo_Area, Wet_Area, Theo_Vol, and
Wet_Vol). The primary difference between the Theoretical and the Wetted is that the
Wetted is trimmed. For example, when a wing intersects the fuselage, there are area and
volume inside the fuselage. The wetted area and volume inside the fuselage are
subtracted from the theoretical values.