National Instruments Corporation
6527 Register-Level Programmer Manual
About This Manual
This manual contains the following information you need to perform
register-level programming for your PCI-6527 and PXI-6527 digital I/O
(DIO) devices:
Address and function of each 6527 device register for reading data,
writing data, and configuring filters on the input lines
Examples that show the programming steps necessary to execute an
Instructions for using change notification to generate interrupts on
changing input data
Use the change notification feature
if you are familiar with writing,
installing, and uninstalling interrupt service routines. This manual does not
cover writing, installing, and uninstalling interrupt service routines.
If you are programming using an application development environment
such as LabVIEW, Measurement Studio, or NI-DAQ, you do not need to
read this manual.
National Instruments strongly recommends using application development
environment software, such as LabVIEW, Measurement Studio, or NI-DAQ to program
your 6527 device. Application software provides easier programming with the same
flexibility as register-level programming.
How To Use the Manual Set
6527 Register-Level Programmer Manual
is one piece of the
documentation set for your data acquisition system. You could have any of
several types of manuals, depending on the hardware and software in your
system. Use the manuals you have as follows:
6527 User Manual
—This manual leads you through installing,
making connections to, and using your 6527 devices safely. It provides
6527 device specifications. Programming options other than
register-level programming are also described here.
Accessory installation guides or manuals—If you are using accessory
products, consult these guides when you are making your connections.
The terminal block and cable assembly installation guides or accessory
board user manuals explain how to physically connect the relevant
pieces of your system.