© National Instruments Corp.
GPIB-SCSI-A User Manual
cmd function
G mode, 7-9 to 7-10
example, 7-10
syntax and description, 7-9 to 7-10
S mode, 5-23 to 5-25
description, 5-23 to 5-24
example, 5-25
format, 5-23
cmp function, 7-11 to 7-12
example, 7-12
syntax and description, 7-11
CMPL status bit
G mode, B-5
S mode, B-2
COMD status bit, G mode, B-6
COMMAND COMPLETE message byte, B-14, D-6
Command Descriptor Block
example (illustration), 4-2
format, 4-1 to 4-2
format function, 7-26
inquiry function, 7-33
mdsct function, 7-37
mdsns function, 7-39
programming messages, 4-1
rblks function, 7-47
rcdia function, 7-49
rdbuf function, 7-58
rdcap function, 7-61
rdext function, 7-63
rdfct function, 7-67
read function, 7-70
rewind function, 7-74
rlseu function, 7-76
rqsns function, G mode, 7-78
rsrvu function, 7-80
sndia function, 7-86
space function, 7-89
tstur function, 7-103
wfmks function, 7-107
wrext function, 7-109
write function, 7-113
wrtbuf function, 7-117