Appendix A
Menus and Commands
Right-drag Menu
When you select an area by dragging and releasing the right mouse button,
a context menu appears with the following selections.
Select all in rectangle
Selects all objects in the rectangle that you “drew” by dragging and
releasing the right mouse button.
Select objects on active layer
Selects only those objects in the rectangle that you “drew” by dragging and
releasing the right mouse button that are on the active layer as defined in
tab of the
Design Toolbox
Select objects on specified layers
Displays the
Select layer(s)
dialog box.
Complete the following steps to select the layers on which you wish to
select the objects:
Highlight the desired layers in the
Select layer(s)
dialog box and click
All items that are on the selected layers that appear within the rectangle
that you “drew” by dragging the right mouse button are selected.
Place Trace Menu
If you click the right mouse button when you are placing a trace a context
sensitive menu displays with the following options.
Cancels the placement of the trace segment being drawn.
Widens the trace that you are drawing. Should be within
Minimum Width
when set.
Narrows the trace that you are drawing. Should be within
Minimum Width
when set.