NI 5782R User Manual and
The NI 5782 is an analog dual-input, dual-ouput, intermediate-frequency (IF) transceiver
adapter module designed to work with your NI FlexRIO
FPGA module. The NI 5782 features
two analog input (AI) channels with 14-bit sample rates of up to 250 MS/s. The NI 5782 also
has two analog output (AO) channels with 16-bit sample rates of up to 500 MS/s when using
both AO channels, or up to 1 GS/s when using only one AO channel.
This document contains signal information and specifications for the NI 5782R, which is
composed of an NI FlexRIO FPGA module and the NI 5782 adapter module. This document
also contains tutorial sections that demonstrate how to acquire data using a LabVIEW FPGA
example VI and how to create and run your own LabVIEW project with the NI 5782R.
NI 5782R
refers to the combination of your NI 5782 adapter module and your
NI FlexRIO FPGA module.
NI 5782
refers to your NI 5782 adapter module only.
The protection provided by the NI 5782R can be impaired if it is used in
a manner not described in this document.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines .............................................................................. 2
How to Use Your NI FlexRIO Documentation Set.................................................................. 3
Front Panel and Connector Pinouts .......................................................................................... 4
Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 7
NI 5782 Component-Level Intellectual Property (CLIP)......................................................... 8
Connecting Cables.................................................................................................................... 10
Clocking.................................................................................................................................... 10
Using Your NI 5782R with a LabVIEW FPGA Example VI .................................................. 11
Creating a LabVIEW Project and Running a VI on an FPGA Target...................................... 13
Appendix A: Specifications...................................................................................................... 16
Appendix B: Installing EMI Controls ...................................................................................... 34
Where to Go for Support .......................................................................................................... 36