NI PXIe-4844
This document includes the installation instructions and specifications for the National Instruments
PXIe-4844 Optical Sensor Interrogator (OSI) module. The NI PXIe-4844 is a dual-slot, 3U PXI Express
data acquisition module for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) optical sensors. The NI PXIe-4844 provides four
optical channels that are simultaneously sampled at 10 Hz, and is expandable to eight or 16 channels
with an external optical multiplexer.
FBG fiber optic sensing provides many benefits over conventional electrical sensing because it is
nonconductive, electrically passive, and immune to EMI. FBG technology also enables measurements
over long distances without loss of signal accuracy and provides the ability to daisy-chain dozens of
sensors along a single optical fiber. The NI PXIe-4844 requires no calibration as it continuously adjusts
its measurements using an on-board NIST traceable wavelength reference.
Safety Guidelines
Follow these guidelines when installing and using the NI PXIe-4844.
enable the laser unless an optical connector or LC/APC connector cover is
connected to the LC/APC connector port. The laser enables when the device receives power.
look into the end of an optical cable attached to an optical output when the device is
powered on. The laser radiation is not visible to the human eye, but it can seriously damage your eyesight.
modify the NI PXIe-4844 module. This may result in hazardous radiation exposure
from the laser source.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines
This product was tested and complies with the regulatory requirements and limits for electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) as stated in the product specifications. These requirements and limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in its
intended operational electromagnetic environment.
This product is intended for use in industrial locations. There is no guarantee that harmful interference
will not occur in a particular installation, when the product is connected to a test object, or if the product
is used in residential areas. To minimize the potential for the product to cause interference to radio and
television reception or to experience unacceptable performance degradation, install and use this product
in strict accordance with the instructions in the product documentation.
Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product not expressly approved by National
Instruments could void your authority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.
To ensure the specified EMC performance, operate this product only with shielded cables
and accessories.
To ensure the specified EMC performance when using the AUX port, install a snap-on,
ferrite bead (National Instruments part number 781233-01) in accordance with the product
installation instructions.