Chapter 2
Configuration and Installation
Figure 2-2.
SCXI-1121 Detailed Parts Locator Diagram
The jumpers are used as follows:
Fixed jumpers
On Revision A and B modules, jumper W32 is unused and should
not be connected.
Jumper W45 is reserved and should not be reconfigured.
On Revision A and B modules, jumper W44 carries the
SLOT0SEL* signal from the rear signal connector, after
buffering, to the SCXIbus INTR* line and should be left in the
factory-set position (position 1). On Revision C or later modules,
jumper W44 does not exist.
User-configurable jumpers
Jumper W38 carries the SCXIbus MISO line, after buffering, to
the SERDATOUT signal on the rear signal connector.
On Revision C or later modules, jumper W32 connects a pullup
resistor to the SERDATOUT signal on the rear signal connector.
Jumper W33 configures the guard, the analog output ground, and
enables the Pseudodifferential Reference mode.