Chapter 4
Developing Your Application
LabWindows/CVI automatically defines the correct symbol. You do not need to
when using LabWindows/CVI.
NI Spy, VISAIC, and VIC are useful utilities that can aid in identifying the
causes of problems in your application.
NI Spy tracks the calls your application makes to National Instruments
T&M drivers including NI-VXI, NI-VISA, and NI-488.2. NI-488.2 users
may notice that NI Spy is very similar to GPIB Spy. It highlights functions
that return errors, so you can quickly spot which functions failed during
your development. NI Spy can log the calls your program makes to these
drivers so you can check them for errors at your convenience.
You can also control your instruments interactively using VISAIC and VIC.
You can use VISAIC to control and communicate with your instruments
with NI-VISA without having to write a program. VIC gives you a similar
environment that uses NI-VXI. These utilities are an excellent platform for
quickly testing instruments and learning how to communicate with them.
Refer to the online help for instructions on how to use VIC or VISAIC and
to learn about their features. In VIC, click on the
button (next to the
button) to get help for that page, or you can type
. You can also
right-click on a component on the screen to access
What’s This
help. In
VISAIC, you can right-click to reach
What’s This
help and function help.