Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
(CCxNP^OIxN)! = 0, that is, the OCx and OCxN still cannot be driven to active level at the same time.
Note that the dead-time will be longer than usual because of the resynchronization on MOEN (almost 2
cycles of ck_tim).
Timer will release the output control if TIMx_BKDT.OSSI=0. Otherwise, if the enable output was high, it
will remain high. If it was low, it will become high when TIMx_CCEN.CCxEN or TIMx_CCEN.CCxNEN
is high.
If TIMx_DINTEN.BIEN=1, when TIMx_STS.BITF=1, an interrupt will be generated.
If user set TIMx_BKDT.AOEN, the TIMx_BKDT.MOEN will be set automatically when the next UEV
happened. User can use this to regulate. If user did not set TIMx_BKDT.AOEN, the TIMx_BKDT.MOEN will
remain low until been set 1 again. At this situation, user can use this for security. User can connect the break
input to thermal sensors, alarm for power drivers, or other security components.
When the break input is active, TIMx_BKDT.MOEN cannot be set automatically or by software at the same
time, and the TIMx_STS.BITF cannot be cleared. Because the break inputs are active on level.
To insure the security of application, the break circuit has the write protection function, and there is break input and
output management too. It allow user to freeze some parameters, such as dead-time duration, OCx/OCxN polarities
and state when disabled, OCxMD configurations, break enable and polarity. User can choose one of the 3 levels of
protection to use by setting TIMx_BKDT.LCKCFG. However, the TIMx_BKDT.LCKCFG can only be written once
after an MCU reset.
An example for output behavior in response to a break is as follow